4 Reasons you MUST use Unicorn Flannel!

Let’s face it… unicorns are “in” this year.  There are people that would love to see unicorn everything all the time (I’m one of those people), but most of the public goes through phases.  This year happens to be a unicorn phase!  So, obviously one reason to have some unicorn flannel fabric is because it is in demand… but aside from that, there are 4 super important reasons to make sure you have that unicorn flannel fabric on hand!

Unicorns are Awesome

Unicorns are considered elegant, beautiful creatures (nowadays) and are portrayed in so many different ways.  I do not think there is anything that has not used a unicorn in some way.  Movies, toys, games, clothing…. the list goes on… have all had some type of unicorn involved!  If you think unicorns are awesome, you are NOT alone!!  There are so many reasons to love unicorns and by combining unicorns and flannel, you get the best of two great things wrapped in one item.  Of course, what you make with the unicorn flannel will be awesome, too.  Even something as simple as a pillowcase with unicorn flannel will be something that anyone of any age would love.  (I sleep with a unicorn flannel pillowcase every night!)

Spread the Word about Unicorns!


I doubt there are many people in the world that have never heard of unicorns, but I bet there are people out there that don’t realize how much they like them because they haven’t been exposed to unicorns that much.  We may not be able to prove that unicorns are real (yet), but we can definitely make awesome products for people to be educated on the greatness of unicorns and unicorn flannel.  As a fellow unicorn lover, I feel a duty to make sure that people have access to every unicorn flannel design that I can come across.  This year there were many more options than in the past, but I do my best to track them all down!  Some designs are available in other fabric types, but some are exclusive to flannel, and obviously some unfortunately never make it to the flannel fabric.  We take what we can get with limited designs.

Unicorns are Magical

Although the word “magic” can be used in many different ways, there is no doubt about it that unicorns are magical… no matter how you define magic.  Whether you believe old folklore and feel that unicorns have special powers, or whether they just make you smile seeing one somewhere, unicorns have a magic that is often times indescribable.  When you find that right design that speaks to you, it’s hard not to want to hug it!  Can you remember the first time you saw a unicorn that you just had to have?  Mine was probably a stuffed animal first, but I’ve seen many more that I just fell in love with!  With at least 15 different unicorn flannel designs available (and more coming in soon), it’s hard not to find one that you love!

Unicorns live in Enchanted Forests and are best friends with Fairies

Here are some facts (maybe) about unicorns on flannel. Enchanted forests are beautiful and magical… and have fairies, butterflies, rainbows… and unicorns!!  It doesn’t say it on here word for word, but I’m pretty sure unicorns are best friends with fairies.  That makes unicorns that much more awesome… right?!  With the Guide to Unicorns flannel fabric, you can have all the tips necessary to find a unicorn.  I expect that one of you out there will find the unicorns hiding somewhere, and when you do, I hope you will at least let me know about it (even if you feel the need to keep it a secret from the public to keep those wonderful unicorns safe).

Happy Crafting and if you end up buying unicorn flannel from the Snappy Baby shop, try to leave a review with a picture of your product.  I love seeing all the wonderful creations by fellow crafters out there! ♥♥♥

More to Explore

Some Flannel Fabric Info

I wanted to go over flannel fabric because a question came up at the store about what the difference is between flannel and other types of cotton fabrics.  ...