40 Free Listings on Etsy
As a seller on Etsy, I have the ability to allow other people to get 40 free listings to start their own shop! There are a few rules we have to follow, but if you are looking to try out Etsy for selling your items, then some free listings would be helpful!
I know that there have been a lot of changes on Etsy. I know it is difficult to start selling on Etsy. My shop has been on Etsy for over 11 years now. I worked very hard to grow my business and I do well. I really want to help other people be able to make at least a part-time income on Etsy. If you are looking to start a shop on Etsy, then click this link before you get started! 40 Free Listings Link
I am supposed to get 40 free listings when you use that link as well, but Etsy is kind of a butt about giving out free listings. Years ago, they would hand them out like Halloween candy because it was a great way to apologize for their mistakes. Now, however, Etsy just makes mistakes right and left and they do not care if it causes problems. We just have to deal with it. So, if you have a shop, make sure to look into your ability to pass on 40 free listings to other Etsy potential sellers!
If you have already started a shop on your account, then the link will not work. However, if you have a personal account, then it should work for you! I highly suggest using the 40 Free Listings to open a shop if you can, though. It’s not a lot of money, but it allows you to learn the process and make mistakes and not feel like you are throwing away money.
New shop owners are always looking for tips and tricks to get their business up and running or to grow. I am lucky enough to have such a huge amount of inventory that I have a natural growth in my business. It was a strategy that I decided on years ago and I am very glad that I tried it out! Now, I keep pretty busy with my Etsy shop, but there is always information to pass on to help others. I TRY to pass it on in the forums or to people that buy from my shop (I have a lot of other shop owners as customers). However, people tend to not want to hear about it until they realize they need help.
To help people find information about selling on Etsy, or online in general, I’ll be posting information here on my website for people to find. Don’t worry, it won’t be all about MY shop. I will be including product links to other items that I find are helpful to use on Etsy… (like finding a cheap source for packaging). If you are looking for information on running your business, then I’ll be here to help!
Some people probably wonder how I am qualified to help just because I have a shop on Etsy. Well, my shop is in the top 0.1% of shops on Etsy! That is a tremendous accomplishment, but I know that doesn’t necessarily mean that I know what I’m doing. I also have my MBA and a PhD in Business. I’ve helped many companies locally get up and running and have helped many people get started online. I will never consider myself an “expert” because there is always something to learn. However, I know more than many, many other people and I am more than willing to provide my knowledge here on my website for free for people to access any time of the day or night!
If you are someone that makes products with flannel fabric, my shops are Snappy Baby on Etsy and Snappy Baby on Merchlet. I specialize in flannel fabric, but since I am a crafter, I have a lot of knowledge of the craft industry. I even had rave reviews from the staff of the school that I attended for my PhD on my extensive knowledge of the craft industry in general. I like to specialize in one thing, but I have a lot of information that is outside of my specialization. Also, I will be setting up a section for people that sell items made from flannel fabric from my shop. I like the idea of helping other shops and I can verify that good products are being used if they come from my shop! So, I’m more than willing to help promote the shops that have purchased from Snappy Baby!
Don’t forget, if you’re just starting on Etsy, then use the 40 Free Listings to get started!